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Sunset on Solar Panels


Delaware's LMI Program is run by DNREC and it's goal is to assist Moderate and Low Income households throughout Delaware with lowering their utility bill by providing solar energy. If eligible, you may receive a free solar system or a 70% grant to assist in total project costs. 

Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel

Low-Income Grant

For the Low-Income Grant, the customer must meet income requirements. Prior to getting solar, they will have to first undergo Weatherization. After going through the Weatherization Program, the customer may be eligible to receive a FREE solar install up to 4 kW in system size. 

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Moderate-Income Grant

For the Moderate-Income Grant, the customer must meet income requirements. This grant is for solar systems up to 6 kW and the grant only covers 70% of total project costs. Customer is responsible for remaining 30%. Loan options are available to assist with the remaining 30%. 

Image by Riccardo Annandale

Weatherization Program

Customers who think they qualify for the Low-Income Grant can find out more about Weatherization on this site: The program assists Low-Income households with energy saving measures for free. 

CMI Solar & Electricidad, Inc.
83A Albe Drive  |  Newark, DE 19702
Todos los derechos reservados CMI Solar & Eléctrico. Sitio web de Sahan Design
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